Hello blog-o-verse!
My name is Emilie, and I'm a history dork! I've been interested in history all my life, so I can honestly claim the title "history dork"! Anyways, I'm starting this blog to document my travels to Turkey. I've been offered (and have heartily accepted) a position teaching English in Ankara, and I wanted to share my experience with the world. I'm leaving in 28 days, and so I'm working on gathering some last minute supplies: clothes appropriate for a grown-up job, a travel adapter, makeup for the year (since I've been told that makeup in Turkey is pretty expensive, I figured I'd just stock up State-side), and lots of time spent with my Mom! I also need to make sure my shots are up to date (I think there's one more I need to get before I go), and seeing friends and family for what will probably be the last time for nearly a year. Oh, and hopefully eating some bacon cheeseburgers and other "American" food, drinking some Newcastle, and going camping! Other than that, not too much to report.....except the MA thesis, which should be finished by the end of the weekend!
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